Our Services



 What is a Micro-Documentary?

A micro-documentary, much like a full-length documentary, tells a non-fictional story and typically features interviews interspersed with relevant supplemental footage, graphics and more. Most micro-documentaries run between three and ten minutes, allowing you an ideal amount of time in which to convey a message or tell a true story about real people.

How can it help?

Are you wondering just how a micro-documentary can help your business? Authentic brand stories establish credibility and help you to build trust with your audience. A micro-documentary can show what goes on behind the scenes at your organization. You can also use it to share your mission or present the types of issues your company typically addresses and how you help solve them. 

What is the Back Porch advantage?

Back Porch Productions™ specializes in short-form multimedia storytelling. With a minimalist setup inspired by documentary filmmaking, we excel at creating high-quality content on efficient budgets and quick turnaround times. Our beautifully produced micro-docs will engage your audience, authenticate your brand and help you to build a loyal following. 

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Short-Form V


What is a Short-Form Video?

A short-form video is a type of short-form multimedia storytelling meant to convey a message in as little time as possible. Generally, these types of videos are less than five minutes long. Whether you want to show how a product works, share your company culture or feature a client testimonial, short-form video is an effective medium for grabbing the attention of your audience and establishing a connection quickly.

What are the benefits?

One of the greatest benefits of short-form videos is that they are long enough to convey your message but short enough to keep your audience's attention. Snappy thirty-second to one-minute videos help you stand out and ensure you get remembered over all of the other content your audience consumes every day. These versatile videos fit perfectly on your website and social media platforms, encouraging engagement and webpage visits. 

What is the Back Porch advantage?

Story is always the most fundamental part of our creative process. Whether you're looking to introduce your company, tease the benefits of a new product or service, or highlight what makes you different, Back Porch Productions™ delivers standout short-form videos that inspire viewers to think, feel and react. People remember great stories as well as great design. We combine multiple forms of media into a single, well-designed video that tells an unforgettable story - yours. 

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What is Animation?

An animated video involves the use of original designs, illustrations or computer-generated visuals, along with catchy music and/or voice-over narration. Animation tends to be much more eye-catching and engaging than copy and flat images. With reliance on moving images more than words, animated videos are much easier for your audience to absorb and remember.

How can you use it?

One of the most popular uses of animation is explainer videos. These types of videos make it possible to break down complex subjects into more digestible, easier-to-understand information. In two minutes or less, they can describe your products or services in ways that resonate with your audience's pain points and introduce you as the best solution. These versatile videos fit perfectly on your website, social media pages and other highly visible areas, helping you to foster brand awareness, generate leads and boost conversions.

What is the Back Porch advantage?

We use animation to create fun, entertaining stories. Sometimes, the simplest designs can illustrate a complex story in a more direct way.  No matter how complicated or involved your products or services are, the Back Porch team can create content that makes what you do exciting and straight forward for your audience. Our animated videos let your audience know that your brand understands their struggles, and that you actually know how to help them.


Motion Graphics

What are Motion Graphics?

Motion graphics are pieces of animation or digital footage which create the illusion of motion and are usually combined with audio when used in multimedia projects. They involve the use of visual effects, animation, text and other cinematic elements. Motion graphics take what would otherwise be static images and give them movement. Simply put, motion graphics are animated graphic design. 

What can they do?

Motion graphics illustrate ideas visually, making more complex topics easier to envision and comprehend. They are short, to the point and highly digestible, which makes them more inviting for your audience. Motion graphics can also act as a teaser, attracting the attention of your target audience and enticing them to visit your website or contact you to learn more.

What is the Back Porch advantage?

The Back Porch team is devoted to visual storytelling with a focus on outstanding craft and creativity. We design motion graphics that add depth to your story and help the viewer see the information you share in a different way. Our Motion Designer creates highly shareable content that will raise your brand awareness and increase curiosity in what you do and why. 

Ready to tell your story?